Andrew Lloyd Webber
If Not For Me For Her / Percival Gambles the Fruits of His Success
Can you find it in your heart
To overlook what I've done
And make another start
Once again
As we were

I am overcome with shame
Will you let me rebuild the bridge I set aflame
Can we be
As we were?
If not for me
For her

I know that I wronged you
And that I can't defend
I hope I haven't learned too late
That you're my one true friend

With such sadness we both live
Though it's unpardonable
I ask you to forgive
Can't we be
As we were?
If not for me
For her
(Hartright still makes no answer. Marian gives up)

We can stop them
If we find Anne Catherick
I believe her secret is the key

Fosco has a document
That will tell us where she'll be

Can you find him?

Yes, he's here in London

We must somehow find a way inside

I think Fosco would welcome me

Then I'll take care of Glyde

Will you really come with me?
Will you really help me?

It seems my calendar is free...

(He throws the bottle of gin away. She smiles)

Scene: "Percival Gambles the Fruits of His Success"

(London casino, night. Glyde and Fosco are at the roulette wheel. Glyde is surrounded by molls with whom he is openly flirting. He is drunk. Fosco is sober and more reserved. The croupier spins the wheel; Glyde collects)

Black twenty six

Sir Percival Glyde
You've won again!

I'm breaking the bank
All I could wish for is mine for the taking
Place your bets!

Red seven. All the way!

(Glyde puts his chips down on the table)

Don’t be a fool, Glyde
Where is your self control?
You’re betting money
That you have not received

(The wheel spins again)

I get the whole estate from Fairlie
June the 1st!

Black eight

(Glyde loses)

You are risking even more than you'll come into
You are even putting my share on the line
Your behavior, Glyde, is making me embarrassed
You're a fool, a blackguard, and a philistine!

Sir, you bore me
Please don't preach to me
You should be
The last to moralize

I'm betting on the first of June! Put it all on number one!

(The wheel spins. Glyde wins)

Red one

Sir Percival Glyde, you've won again!
What a brimming pot, sir!

(Glyde hands Fosco a large amount of chips)

Here's more than your share
Of all I owe you
A parting shot, sir!

(Fosco accepts them, unruffled)

I always know when to quit, sir
If there ever was a moment, this is it, sir
Sir Percival Glyde
I clearly see that we won't meet again



(Fosco bows and exits. The wheel spins again)

(to the croupier)
Let it all ride on...

Scene: "The Plan"

(Marian is in Hartright’s lodgings; she is dressing behind a screen. The prostitute from upstairs is there. Hartright enters)

Marian! I've sold a painting! We can eat tonight!


She's trying on me dress


I've decided I shall go to Fosco tonight!

Marian, we have discussed this. The man is unscrupulous, you cannot simply-

Walter, you mustn't worry about me

(She emerges wearing the red dress that we saw on the prostitute earlier. She looks stunning. She is a woman on a mission. The prostitute smiles, her job done. She exits. Hartright is looking at her with an open mouth)

(to the prostitute)
Thank you

I'll be perfectly all right


What is it, what's wrong?

Nothing. It's just, I've... never seen you look like this before

(Marian blushes)

I've decided I’m going to find the certificate of committal Fosco signed that night in the library-


-and that is going to lead us to Anne Catherick

And how exactly are you going to do that?

I am going to use my feminine wiles

(She steps into the hallway. He follows her)

Then I will come with you

Perhaps it would be better if I confronted him-

Oh, Walter, that won't work

I cannot allow you to endanger yourself like this!

I know what his weak spot is!

Walter. You must allow me to do this alone

(The background changes to outside Fosco’s lodgings)

Then I will wait outside. If you need me, you must call for me

Thank you

(Marian moves towards the door)

He doesn't stand a chance