Andrew Lloyd Webber
The Seduction / A Gift for Living Well (Reprise) / I Can Get Away with Anything / The Perfect Team
(Fosco is almost completely packed and ready to go, when a servant enters and announces Marian’s arrival)
Miss Marian Halcombe
(Fosco is pleasantly surprised. He shoos the servant away. He slicks back his hair‚ adjusts his smoking jacket. The servant exits as Marian enters)
To what‚ Miss Halcombe‚ do we owe this honour?
Each successive day was getting duller
(as she takes her coat off, revealing her red dress to him for the first time)
Well, I somehow thought you might be missing me
I must tell you
Scarlet is your colour
I cannot spend all my life in mourning
Though‚ in every way, I miss my sister
Truly you display a healthy attitude
I'm for the first time on my own
Really, you need not be alone
One should explore one's playful side
You are a guide most qualified
I leave in the morning for the continent
In my provincial world I cannot be content
We could lead a life that would be well misspent
And I have no doubt that would be thrilling
But alas‚ it seems my glass requires refilling
(Fosco takes her glass and re-fills it generously; as he does, she quickly and surreptitiously looks on his desk for the document, before hastily arranging herself on the sofa. He hands her the drink)
If I remove my shoes, would that be shocking?
I'd be breathless as your buckles are undone
I would walk to Warsaw just to see your stocking
And to see your shapely ankle, I would run
You should know it took great courage for this visit
But I must admit, I'm glad that I am here
And that dress you're falling out of is exquisite
Though I'm trembling, it is clearly not from fear
It's apparent we were made for one another
We're each other's moon and sun, we're so well-matched
Though my feelings aren't remotely like a brother
We are over twenty-one and unattached
I've been waiting all my life for an adventure
What in truth you have been waiting for is me
Let us begin our minuet
No looking back and no regret
Don't I deserve a life of bliss?
Think of this as a precipice
(They kiss)
I can open up a world you've only heard of
Introduce me to a life beyond my dreams
We'll share secrets that we'll never breath a word of
And we'll take pursuit of pleasure to extreme
You and I are willing to defy convention
You're my equal, both in joie de vivre and wit
We find one another worthy of attention
We don't care what others think of us one bit
(They kiss)
As a paramour, I'm rather out of practice
But I'll rise to this occasion I embrace
But that beard of yours is rather like a cactus
May I save, if not my virtue, than my face?
Would you kindly shave it off
Do be a darling!
Then I will fly back to your side
Just like a starling!
(Fosco leaves to shave. Marian dashes around the room looking for the document, opening drawers, etc.)
(sotto voice)
Think! Think, Marian. Where is it? Where is it?
(She continues to look. She finds the document, reads it)
(sotto voice)
Oh, please!
Oh, yes!
(She does not have time to put the paper back, before she hears him approaching. She hides it about her person. Fosco re-enters, in the mood for love. She sits herself quickly)
Now my chin is even softer than a baby
Let's resume our tete-a-tete from where we were
(She edges away from him)
Though my heart says yes, my head's now saying Maybe
And my feet are growing colder and concur
(She puts on shoes again)
When I left this room, were we both not on fire?
Weren't we both about to give romance a whirl?
(She stands up)
On reflection, I found out I'm somewhat shyer
And perhaps I'm really not that kind of girl
(Fosco pauses, looks at her intensely)
It appears that you have lost your taste for kissing
So I'd appreciate if you'd return
What's missing
(Wordlessly she gives the document back to him. He holds onto her a moment)
Please... please, let me go. Please!
(He does so)
This game is through
You think you win
But think about
What might have been
If you had let
Romance begin
Instead of hiding in your shell
One day you'll see
What you have spurned
My precious gift
That you returned
A gift for living well
Your every day
A great event
Living on
The continent
Yes, it's true
I would have you
(She looks away from him)
This game of hearts
You gladly trade
For solitaire
(with venom)
And Old Maid
And so I say
Someday, your past will catch you up
...don't let me keep you
(She leaves. He gathers up all his cases as he prepares for his final exit)
I can get away with anything
Except the girl, perhaps
My epic charms have undergone
A temporary lapse
But when it's time to make an exit
And I am halfway out the door
As long as one is leaving anyway
Then leave them wanting
(He leaves)
Scene: "The Perfect Team"
(Hartright waits for Marian outside Fosco's lodgings. She runs outside, breathless)
I have played him
Played him at his game
And I have won!
I now know where she is
Thank God for his vanity—
He thought I was his!
All the time, Anne's been in Cumberland
In an asylum—we must set her free!
You are quite remarkable
I agree!
(She laughs and in their excitement, they embrace)
We must go to her. The woman in white awaits us!
In my heart, I know that she's the key
It's all because of you we found her
And at last we'll solve the mystery!
(He takes her hand. They travel towards Cumberland)