Nicky Romero
A Free Society
A Free Society, by Angela Brown
I see this fear all over the world
I ask God will hate will
Come to an end
Why do we build these walls?
To infiltrate with hate
To separate us from unity
To divide our fate
We build these Great Walls
To protect us from uncertainty
To alienate us from defining our purpose
To secure our borders from inclusion
Or do we build great walls
To develop trust
Or do we construct walls
Used to separate us
Are there really prototypes
That cause a domestic threat?
Bringing gangs of drug lords
That are killing our race?
Are these prototypes amongst us?
Work twice as hard as some
And earning less
Looking for a better life
With health insurance?
These great walls we build
Are used to control immigration from entry
Used to develop construction of uncertainty
An intrusion for allowing illegal entry
Will the border walls be deployed as a myth?
That to some it seems deemed to exist
A means to incarcerate humanity
The great wall of Mexico
The wonder of the world
A poem is composed of powerful and meaningful words of resourceful information that can inform an audience about something that affects them personally. A poem can have powerful words that can touch an audience with insight building knowledge on what they did not understand. Social justice is a movement with people with a purpose who are not treated right and protest what is not politically correct.
A writer can write a poem based on details that inform or create dialog that purpose is to create an inquiry asking an audience to feel for the things going on.
We can achieve justice by writing the truth using details. The audience responds to the poem their own way. We build communities through petitions of writing knowledge and creating interest of support that are drawn by passionate words.
Making America Great Again is not what I perceive as the American dream. I feel that America was founded on the principal of being an example of the free world that includes freedom of speech and freedom of religion. America to me is a promised land to govern be a free society with the right to choose, the right to vote and the right to petition.
Immigrants came to America believing that American society would not foster. That America would allow laws that would protect American belief. In a free society America would come to practice faith. America would become not separate but be equal where all Americans could vote, all Americans would have equal access to a good and fair education, where every American could have fair representation in court and equal access to public facilities. The American dream states that every American can determine a level of prosperity and pursuit of happiness.
As an American, when I am not allowed the same freedom as others, I am living in opposition because I am being excluded from a free society that was promised to me. I am then labeled dysfunctional in society as the poor, the minority, the homeless, the working class, the elderly and the disabled.
I feel no matter how hard I try to become the mainstream society, I am denied and held back and the purpose to live is ignored and personal freedom becomes a distorted image of impropriety and suppression. I am no longer living in a free society. I am living in the land of discontent.
The history of black people is they came as slaves. They were beaten, lynched, tortured. They hel build this nation. They were depended to work in factories and minding crops at the time was main resource. As second-class citizens, they were discriminated. They were not allowed equal treatment to others. After civil rights era black could vote, to go to school with whites and more opportunities they did not have before. People have died to have equality in America.
After viewing the news, I realize the rhetoric about what America is and what it might become. Most felt comfortable about being free that it could be easily taken away. Some felt good about their country and I question what it means to be free. I have seen protest from different groups who represent a free society ideology. Why fight when we have the same skin asked president trump. Pence mentioned it is wrong to say we included in everyone feels the same. I feel we have the right to free speech. I feel we should all get along. America was always great. There are different people who are both better and worst. There was always racism. Some groups were always better than me and I don't understand why encourage bad behavior or being meant to express their superiority. I feel just because one person is mean we all should be mean. People can continue daily lives quietly. I've seen and read about slavery and civil rights. I see pictures of emit till and boys hung by ropes. That scares me. I thought America overcame hate and the worst result. It hurt me when a boy at cvs says to his dad America is for us white people. It reminds me of a movie when a boy was excited to see a game staring a black but when he heard hate he got hateful. I don't believe you must be mean while hurting others. I'm afraid that someone did this to our country to show we are in a bad state and falling apart. I don't know where America is headed. We had come so far as America was home of love and the home of the free.
Poetry is a political action undertaken for the sake of information, the faith, the exorcism, and the lyrical invention, that telling the truth makes possible. Poetry means taking control of the language of your life. Good poems can interdict a suicide, rescue a love affair, and build a revolution in which speaking and listening to somebody becomes the first and last purpose to every social encounter. … speaking and listening the creation of poems is a foundation for true community: a fearless democratic society.