[Dramatic build up]
Here I sit in an incestual, medieval festival of blessable monks
Their gift, a decimal in their forehead
Boom, now they're dead
Disposed by the rules in a futile attempt to choose
They left Home alone to roam and explore the G.O.A.T. (Government-owned Alien Territory) while drinking Diet Coke and washing their nuts with a bar of soap
A metaphorical trope of dull adult cantaloupes eloping with the enemy
He was scoping in with a 34-calibur carrot
Uh, Number One ... scratch your bum then wipe it on the edge of this Dead One's son
And here lies an idolator hereby named Oliver who chose to worship her
The G.U.Y. with the irregular eyes that change colors and devise wicked lies
'm opposed to you and now you're torn into spiritual twos, entombed into blue battery capsules infused with organic green goo used by the Dreiloo to label unstable languages, invent anguishes, and exsanguinate s-s-sanguine men
If true is false and false is the end, does this riddle stop before it begins?
False or true, the Nee'hoo get to choose whether in the end you win or lose
There's nothing you can do but accept the truth that your life is an optical reflection, a sound inflection left by an unnamed cannibalistic animal species that eats its' own feces
There's no treaty
I'm trapped in a cosmic zoo
Where does it begin?
What would you do if it's true; to conceptualize the pride denied by Zero, the first hero, which I felt when One fought Two and dueled between realities?
The Bin and the Un utilize to send others to their demise, yes the Aerodrull of four-hundred and eighty eyes vying for the Hive
And I know that's the place, too, in which my soul will go, because I opposed You who I see you asked as I basked in the lie that I'm an important member of the caste
Well, it's me, the Reptilian hybrid Sheep King of Infinite Fury nicknamed Fuzzy D
This story is not metaphorical
I was an oracle full of great lore
And here lies a fool
A heretical, theoretical philosopher inside of a tomb
The Dragon Night grows
Lathandarus knows the slippery crows decompose my headstone, labeled Fuzzknob who defiled the way on the West Wing of Floor Number Two at Novanuum after, during and before you grew from one to two from two to three and three to two and two to one
Can't you see?