Niall James Holohan
20 Questions
Did you ever plant a tree in your garden?
Did you ever see it rot like my brain?
Did you ever find you had to deal with a real big loss?
Have you ever experienced gain?
Can a candle held there in your hand burn forever?
Is love eternal when eternity only lasts as long as the mind?
Do you ever look to the future?
Do you ever catch yourself falling behind?
Have you ever put your foot through a T.V.?
Have you ever felt like doing it before?
Have you ever operated a miniature score board?
Have you ever thought you’d seen it all before discovering there is always a shit load more?
Can you tell me the meaning of life?
Can you tell me will I ever wear another pair of shoes again?
Will I always be alone?
Can you tell me what they fuck I’m loitering here?
Because to be honest, I can’t figure that out on my own
Do you ever think you’ll get to give answers to the questions I’ve asked you here today?
Have you ever had a close encounter with a pigeon
In whatever way?