Ending Saga
Part I

[Verse 1]
It's not my fault that you are fatherless
You getting no attention from your father kid, so you tried steal another artist audience
You reping #FUCKNMC like that's the reason you got a lot hits
You crossed me more times than your eyelids, you clone of me, you copied what I did

Part II

[Verse 2]
Aren't you same kid that's been dodging all the calls, blocks me again
Yeah this kid is all talk
Bitching out of it all, must of took it from his mom
I did nuclear to this beat but it only takes a bomb
When you only move on-line online that you had to trace, you copied me and you think your first place
In reality shit talk is never face to face
You should asked how Ethan felt after I gave him a sadface
Fat jokes didn't help anerexic people feel full
I know its hard for you to get any muscle
You talk fights but would never get in a tussle
If your father was here you would done as your told
You rushin (Russian) thinking you the biggest in these war
But without US nobody cares anymore

Part III
[Verse 3]
If discord (this cord) is were your "plugged in"
Then it makes sense why your acting a thug then
No outside life, its only you and your mic
Pretending to be a roadmen a fucking lowlife
Got threats from your group, so when you said that I threatened you
You know that's like half of the truth
Your name is suicide the way it "hangs oneself" (ziyi) off this noose
So much misdirection from Biske no wonder his bitch left him for seconds
You never took your shot
So you got left with a state of depression (depression)

[Verse 4]
Dude what's with the slander? I "heard" you but you don't got to turn into "amber"
You locked in your chamber rapping about guns that you would never use out of anger
The writes (rights) you had were copies
No wonder your flow is so sloppy
You acting like you won but you will never fucking stop me
You almost killed yourself over someone hating your fake accent
That is so drastic, a hate comment almost turn into his last wish
Now he acts like none of this happened, deluded in lies caught and entrapped in
The past when he was shitty copy every rapper rapping
You aren't who you say you are
You acting like you tearing peoples heads apart
If you really did this, you would be behind your bars