Dear Boy I Know
Dear, boy I know
Can we be a little something more
I have a hole in my heart
From a tiny little pain
Since we were meant to be
I feel depressed
For I won't rest until
You're mine
Dear, boy I know
When will you talk to me

So, you wanna meet up
All the way down the road
I know you feel so scared
But now we're paired
I feel unprepared
Like nobody cares

Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I love
Dear, boy I know
Show me a map
With your favorite place
Do you have good taste
Just no haste
It'll be a minute
Just because I said
Doesn't mean we're gonna win it
I'm on a mountain
Drinking out of water fountains

We could walking in the plains
I've reached the top
Don't drop on me
Just wait and see
Look before you leap
And feel free

Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I love
Learn to love me
Learn to cover me
Learn to know me

Dear, boy I love
Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I know
Dear, boy I love
Dear, boy I love