13 & God
Et Tu
Is your back against the record machine?
Do you need more heart in your monitor M?
And are them Ls all hungry to eat from your hand?
(Et tu!)
You done. Dirt muck and dust, you duck on your prey
(Et tu!)
So swung low in the clutch shot of night club light flow
(Et tu!)
Hence, it sent spent bent to the light hell of pop absence

It draw on the bones of your friends
You're all wasted away
And no pearl to set yourself light on the death of this world
(Et tu!)
So the victor is tended with hem
(Et tu!)
Something cold in the mouth of your manager
(Et tu!)
(Dear me)
Character is what you are in the dark

b m g f d i l g o l f d r i n g o n w r i s t a g s c i o g o l n c r i n g o n w r i s c h e n
You choose
No fault
This is it thick
Double cross it thick