Jimmy Durante
Start Off Each Day With a Song
You gotta start off each day with a song
Now even when things go wrong
You'll feel better, you'll even look better
I'm here to tell you that you'll be a go-getter
Now the way that you shake my hand
Will tell me how I stand
Now isn't it better to go through life
With a smile and a song
Than walking around with a face 11 miles long
Now you know that you can't go wrong
If you start off each day with a song
You gotta start off each day with a song
(Oh, sing it to me boy)
Even when things go wrong
(Sing it for the hoi-poloi)
You'll feel better, you'll even look better
Ah, that music it does somethin' to me
I wish I knew what it was
Last night I was telling Umbriago
About my latest concerto
Called Tony's push cart
He said Tony's push cart, how does it go
I said it doesn't go you have to push it
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
I got a million of 'em, a million of 'em
Now you know that you can't go wrong
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes)
If you start off each day with a song
You gotta start off each, boys please, soft, soft
A little more fortissimo, I wanna relate a yarn
Turn back the pages of history and what do you see
Madison Square Garden, a Rodeo
And there I was, interviewing a prize winning cow
I asked her to tell the radio public how she feels
She said moo, she's contented
I'm contented but her husband ain't
So what happens? The bull ups to me, I ups to him
And without any preliminaries, I'm flat on my back
Being a gentlemen I apologize nut the bull's not satisfied
He demands an autopsy
So I grabs him by the tail and what happens
He flips his tail, I lands on his head
He flips his head, I lands on his tail
He's playing ping, pong with me and I'm losing
Just then the bull is ready to charge again
I gets an idea
I starts singing, 'South Of The Border Down Mexico Way'
And what happens, the bull starts crying
But even regardless I keeps on singin'
This time with the castanets
That's too much for the bull and he collapses
A cheer goes up, I'm saved and the moral is
You've gotta start off each day with a song
You gotta start off each day with a song
(oh boy your singing now)
Even when things go wrong
(Oh, Jimmy your a wow)
You'd feel better
You know I'm walking down Broadway
And who taps me on the shoulder
My pal, Hit 'Em In The Head Schwartz
I said who you working for now
He said the same bunch
The wife and the kids
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Now isn't it better to go through life with a smile and a song
Then walking around with a face 11 miles long
Now you know that you can't go wrong
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes)
If you start off each day with a song