Lowland Hum
Thirty Years Old
Sometimes at night
A train shakes the window
I’m already awake and wet
I’m saying old words
over and over
I’m clutching my chest
Hoping to recover
30 years old
Take control
Hard on myself
Taking its toll
30 years old
Freezing cold
Squinting my eyes
Sight to behold
When my wife asks
“how was time
with your dear old friend?”
My head starts spinning
I’m hearing my voice
Reciting verses
I learned as a boy
30 years old
Tale well told
Full of myself
Watch it unfold
30 years old
Don’t miss the boat
Plenty of time
To comb through the words
In 1939
A man tried to see God
At least once (one second) every minute
His eyes were shining
He kept turning around to check was was behind him
What was that flash
Even in his own eyelash
He read a love song