[Ella Jenkins]
Callie, you had a wonderful counting line for us about "One, two, buckle my shoe". So I wonder if you'd recite it and we'll just listen to you for a minute, alright?
One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, knock on the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
[Ella Jenkins]
And then what comes after that?
Nine, ten
[Ella Jenkins]
A what?
A big fat hen
[Ella Jenkins]
Fine, alright. Now you heard what she said. You think we could, ah, maybe you could teach it to us now. Alright, let's try, do it, Callie, alright? Here we go.
[Ella Jenkins with Callie & Other Children]
One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, knock on thе door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, еight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a bit fat hen
[Ella Jenkins]
Alright, we can do it once more. We'll do it once more, then when we get to the big fat hen, we're gonna say "A bit fat hen." So we'll have a big sound in our voices, alright? Last time this time, alright?
[Ella Jenkins with Callie & Other Children]
One, two, buckle my shoe;
Three, four, knock on the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a bit fat hen
[Ella Jenkins]
Alright, thank you Callie.