Yung Lean
Wave Freestyle
I got the wave w me (what a splash o)
Ain’t time to sleep w me (roll it crash o)
You wanna fuck on me (no sex o)
I tell you wait for it (okay)

Baby ma baybaybay x2

You gon be ma ...
No 1 Love x11 (on soft, no keys on this one)
I go I go

I got the money x2
Ain’t that a dream
Making the money
Having a factory
Printing the money like it’s a factory
Working all day
I’m just working all day
Getting low pay
Ain’t that I’m sleeping all day
Just that im loving the shit
Humble ma passion
Ain’t no time for actions
Mehn was just reminiscing how we was fucking blasting
Talking bout the money blow it up in the air
Talking bout shit ain’t really fucking fair
I just wanna change ma fucking phase
Ain’t no time to fucking sleep
Im gon tell you that for real x2
I don need no fucking blow
I don see the shit cold
Ain’t nobody hit ma phone
I’ve been going all alone
Teeno say he pray for me
I say thank you ma G
You ma number one slime
And I know that shit for real
Talking bout ma n***a ehve
He that no one code
He got fucking g code
On the motherfucking street
Smoking that fucking dope
Cuzzing trapping all day
Ingle season Like may
Fucking fucking hot
Waiting for the summer
Mehn the fucking block
Where they shot that niggger nipsey
What the fuck is going on

I ain't fucking fucking sleep mehn
Mehn the shit had me dead mehn
Mehn the tricks ain’t fair tho
Killing boys for the street o
Which of them go be your real Gs
When it’s time to fucking stand down
When it’s time to Fucking do the crime
Mehn it’s time to make the money now

Wave wavy
I A ain’t got no Gs, got to save o
No time for the street o
Gotto grind with the family
I’m still busting w the army
I just wanna see Malawi
I just wanna see Miami
I’m gonna do this for my granny
For my family For My no 1 G
For my 1 2 3 for my women
For my mama for ma sister
Ain’t nobody sipping that shit o
I just had to quit fucking trees o
I just had to switch to motherfucking plains o
GoldBoy stressing on a lame flow

If I had a Gun and I shot you and you was dead how would I feel
If I had a Gun and I shot you and if you was dead how would I feel
I don’t wanna know x2
So I ain’t going there
This shit ain’t fair
Why the n***a gotto die
Mehn the thing clear
Who was a man
He was a real fucking man
Preaching preaching preaching
How far wev been preaching
For ma street for Nigeria
Can we stop all the killing
I know we chasing the millions
So we facing struggle
So no time for killing
But boko Dey boko
The niggers for street o
For the fucking ass north o
That’s another fucking story ma n***a
I’m just chilling ma n***a
And just feeling the vibe
I just want feel all alive
We got some issues
I was just talking
I don’t mean to meet you with that fucking bullshit
But it’s some real shit x2

How’s gonna be when you fall hard on your back
With your fucking head all squashed
How’s gonna be in the fucking penitentiary
How’s gonna be
All the Police SARS killing all our fucking mehn
All this police SARS tryna check the fucking phones
I don’t know what the fuck
Gotto leave the niggers alone
Gotto leave the niggers alone

Just Dey vibing just vibing
I got the bitch just Dey fucking the fucking
She’s stuck to me ain’t no boring no boring
I just let her go cause suffering no suffering
No money suffering
She just be buzzing me talking disloyal
Say that I’m cheating mehn fucking up the vocals
I just wanna wave it up and play it up on local
On local On local
