Hitchcock Blonde
The lens stares full of wonder
Are you ready for your big shower scene?
I'll pull you under
I've been a voyeur since us skirting dirty thirteen

Priscilla Lane
Madeleine Carroll
And Joan Fontaine
Grace Kelly
Ingrid Bergman
Tippi Hendren
Eve Marie Saint
Marlene Dietrich
Kim Novak
And Janet Leigh

There's a mystery about you
Like a sinister bond
Concealed in ice
The more I spy
The more I want you
Hitchcock blonde

Hitchcock blonde
The lens stares full of wonder
Hitchcock blonde
Are you ready for your big shower scene?
Hitchcock blonde
I'll pull you under
I've been a voyeur since us skirting dirty thirteen

Priscilla Lane
Madeleine Carroll
And Joan Fontaine
Grace Kelly
Ingrid Bergman
Tippi Hendren
Eve Marie Saint
Marlene Dietrich
Kim Novak
And Janet Leigh

There's a mystery about you
Like a sinister bond
Concealed in ice
The more I spy
The more I want you
Hitchcock blonde

Hitchcock blonde
The crows are at your pearly throat
Hitchcock blonde
The knife, prepared to stab
Hitchcock blonde
Beauty aloof, murder she wrote
Stares out far colder on the mortuary slab

Mortuary slab

Sophisticated victims
Peroxide and a paradox
Twixt deep flames and the cool façade
Heroines in jeopardy
Just blow my twisted socks off

There's a mystery about you
Like a sinister bond
Concealed in ice
The more I spy
The more I want you
Hitchcock blonde

Hitchcock blonde
The lens stares full of wonder
Hitchcock blonde
There's a secret deep we all need to dig
Hitchcock blonde
It whispers thunder
Rushing through those blue eyes
Like a (gushing) baby oil rig

Hitchcock blonde

Hitchcock blonde
Nylons off and on and on
Hitchcock blonde
Nylons off and on and on

Psycho killer