John Mayer
Staying with family for the holidays
I'm a guest in the house again
It's a real small town and it's known to shut down
At like 8 or 9 pm

Oh, I fell asleep too early
I woke up at midnight
I was hungry
It was alright
You were there

CVS bag, on the table
CVS bag, you're all that I have
CVS bag, it's mostly snacks and a charging cable
CVS bag, and a thing for my dad

'Tis the season for Storck chocolate Riesen
And a travel thing of Q-tips, and an Applebee's card
Oh, it's not strange, to find 87 cents in change
Mixed in with some cotton from a men's vitamin range

CVS bag, up there on the table
CVS bag, you're all that I have
CVS bag, it's mostly snacks and a charging cable
CVS bag, and a thing for my dad
CVS bag, the cat's poking his head inside it
CVS bag, handlеs flapping in the breeze
CVS bag, the cat smеlls something his eyes look all weird to me
CVS bag, look, I think he's gonna sneeze

CVS bag