AP European History Midyear Review Guide
The Renaissance
“Universal Man”
Johann Gutenberg
Invented the printing press
Guelph (pro-papacy)
Ghibeleines (pro-German, holy roman empire)
Francesco Szorza
Cosmo de Medici
Lorenzo the Magnificent
Da VInci
Machiavelli - The prince
Renaissance Popes
there was a sermon
petrarch “father of humanism”
Boccaccia - “The Decameron”
Castiglion - “The Courier”
Venetian School of Art - Titan
Northern Humanism
aka christian humanism
it was more about personal faith
precursor to the protestant reformation
Sir Thomas More - “Utopia”
Erasmus - “scholar of EUrope”
Flemish School of Painting
van Eyeck, Durer, Brueghel, Holbein the younger
Rebelais “Gargantua and Pantagruel”
wrote plays
renaissance style
“El Cid”
Causes of Protestantism
Sale of Indulgences
Pope Leo X
Banking Families
Martin Luther
Ninety-five Thesis
Johann Tetzel
Diet of Worms
Frederick Elector of Saxony
Peasants War
Pease of Augsburg
Ulrich Zwingli
Meeting at Marburg
John Calvin
“Institutes of the Christian Nation”
Huguenots of France
they were the protestant group
John Knox
presbyterianism in Scotland
Henry VIII
created the church of england
he had wanted a divorce at one point and at that time the pope could do no such thing
Charles V had invaded ROme
It was against Catholicism to perform divorces
Charles would have gotten rid of the pope if he performed a divorce
to respond to that, Henry VIII just made his own church, aka the church of england
Edward VI
continued the process of becoming protestant
died at the age of 15
Mary I
Executed protestants and tried to return to Catholicism, had heavy backlash
Elizabeth I
Council of Trent
Pope Paul III
Ignatius of Loyola
Francis Xavier
Index of Prohibited Literature
Spanish Inquisition

Age of Discovery and Exploration
“Gold Glory and God”
Favorable balance of trade
modern imperialism
Prince Henry the Navigator
never actually navigated anything
but he was kinda the patron saint of navigation and exploration
he issued annual trips down the coast of Africa
he was portugues
Bartolomeu Diaz
Vasco de Gama
First to go around the Cape of Good Hope
discovered and colonized brazil
Ferdinand and Isabella
Were rulers of separate parts of Spain and then married to unite them
Christopher Columbus
Amerigo Vaspucci
the cartogropher who realized that Columbus’s discovery was actually a New World
Pope Alexander VI
the pope who issued the line fo demarcation
Line of Demarcation
the line that split the new world between spain and portugal
the “conquistadors”
spanish explorers
First to circumnavigate
Northwest Passage
Commercial Revolution

Religious and Dynastic Wars
Francis I
protestant french
St. Batholomew Day’s massacre
there was the marriage of a king so a lot of protestant leaders came to witness it, during which catholic protestors killed all of these protestant leaders
War of Three Henry’s
Henry IV of France
founded the Bourbon Dynasty
Holy ROman Empire Charles V
the one to create the first truly world empire
Phillip II of Spain
Dutch Revolt: 80 years war
Thirty Years War
“Spanish Armada”
Peace of Westphalia
Edict of Nantes
Recognized only Lutheranism of all the Protestant Religions

Age of Absolutism
“Balance of power:”
Louis XIII
started making things too non-absolutist letting people like cardinal richelieu get a lot of power
Cardinal Richelieu
the guy who ended up with all the real executive power during Louis XIII’s reign
Louis XIV - “the SUn KIng”
made literally the most op absolutist monarchy of them all
made the palace of Versaille
forced the aristocrats to come and liver there for a month every year just so that he could keep an eye on them and stop them from revolting
Cardinal Mazzairn
THomas Hobbes
Believed more in a constitutional monarchy
he said that people should be given natural born rights and stuff like that but people should not rule
no democracy or republic
does not trust people to be able to properly rule themselves
War of Spanish Succession
Peace of Utretch
ended the war of spanish succession
the Stuarts
English Civil War
ROundheads vs Cavaliers
Oliver Cromwell
Rump Parliament
the parliement was only there for show when the monarch was really doing whatever he wanted in the background
The Commonwealth of England
the Restoration
Charles II
Test Act of 1673
Habeas Corpus Act
Whigs and Tories
James II
Glorious Revolution
John Locke
“Two Treatises on Government”
WIlliam and Mary
House of Orange
Austrian Habsburgs
Maria Theresa
the austrian ruler
Pragmatic Sanction
Joseph II
Prussian Hohenzollerns
Fredrick WIlliams the Great Elector
Frederick the Great
Russian ROmanovs
Peter the Great
Russian Guy
Catherine the Great
Partition of Poland

The Scientific Revolution
First to suggest the heliocentric theory
figured out that the orbits of all planets were ellipses, not circles, proving ptolemy wrong
he made 3 laws of planetary motion
was the apprecntice of tyco brahe
made one of the first op telescopes
did lots of obervations abotu the planets
Inventor of calculus
Laws of Motion
Lots of Physics stuff
the Scientific method that involved inductive reasoning
the scientific methof involving deductive reasoning
“An Essay COncerning Human Understanding”
modern liberalism
effects of the Scientific Revolution

Age of Enlightenment
the philosphes
function of the salons
Diderot’s Encyclopedia
philosophy of the Enlightenment
role of reason
natural laws
Deism/ “master clock winder”
“Separation of powers”
Rousseau’s “Emile”
Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations”
Rousseau and Romanticism
Wesley Brothers and the Methodist movement
Enlightened despots
Joseph II
Frederick the Great
Catherine the Great
War of Austrian Succession
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle ended this war
Seven Years War
came as a result of the War of Austrian Succession
Treaty of Paris 1763 ended it

French Revolution and Napoleon
“Liberty equality and fraternity”
the motto of the revolution, the inalienable rights they believed everyone should have
Causes of the French Revolution
famine and a lack of food
lack of representation for the third Estate
government is basically controlled only by the clergy and aristocrats
Three Estates
First Estate is clergy
Second is aristocrats
Third is everyone else
the assembly of representatives from each of the three estates to vote on laws
usually the aristocrats and clergy vote together against the “everyone” estate thus making them upset
Tennis COurt Oath
After the National Assembly was created, they wanted to meet, but someone locked the town hall so that they couldn't meet and do anything so instead they went to a nearby indoor tennis court and made an oath
After Louis XVI got worried about the revolutionaries, he sent his army to stay stationed there in case he needed them
The people freaked out and took over the prison of Bastille to get weapons and released basically the only two prisoners there
“Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”
the document released by the National Assembly telling what rights all male citizens were to receive
Women’s March on Versailles
the people were going hungry because none of them had food and then they heard that the queen Marie Antoinette was hoarding food in the castle
a bunch of women violently stormed Versaille and killed a lot of people
this was motivated only by the lack of food
the political party/group who rose and became really important
Two subgroups
Reign of Terror
This was the time period when the National COnvention had appointed the Committee of Public Safety to keep the people safe
the Committee thought it was best to get rid of anyone who showed any sign of not loving the revolutionary changed
Committee of Public Safety
Headed by Maximillian Robespierre
he was very Machiavelli in his thoughts
They thought they were there to preserve the revolution and save the republic
They practiced Authoritarianism
Uses the guillotine a lot
Most of the executed people are commoners and not aristocrats or priests
Most were in big citiess where most of the rebellious people lived
Thermidorian Reaction
people banded up and killed robespierre
there was the paris commune and then that led to the directory
the Directory
this committee executed robespierre and the leaders of the revolution
the executions on people are rolled back
they try to return to the time before the reign of terror
they stay true to the foundations of the revolution
Brumaire Coupe/ Consulate
Since the Directory was so ineffective, there was a coup and then they made a new system of government with consulates and Napoleon Bonaparte was placed as the first consul
Napoleonic Code
these were the laws passed giving people rights that they had wanted through the French Revolution
COncordat of 1801
Joseph FOuche
Battle of Austerlitz
Peninsula War
Battle of Waterloo
where napoleon was finally defeated
Congress of Vienna
to try to keep the balance of power forever

The Industrial Revolution
Cottage Industry
Enclosure Movement
Laissez-faire capitalism
John Kay
James Hargreaves
Eli Whitney
Henry Bessemer
Malthus on Population
Ricardo “Iron Law of Wages”
Bentham Utilitarianism
John Stuart Mill On Liberty
Robert Owen

Ideologies & Upheavals
Klemens Von Metternich
Robert Castleregh
Charles Talleyrand
Alexander I -
Louis XVIII -
Mary Wollstonecraft -
Giuseppe Mazzini -
Georg Hegel -
Géricault –
Raft of the Medusa -
John Constable –
The Haywain -
William Wordsworth -
Lord Byron -
Walter Scott -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -
Victor Hugo -
– Liberty Leading the People
– Wanderer in the Clouds
-Franz Liszt -
Ludwig van Beethoven -
Conservatism -
Romanticism -
Nationalism -
Liberalism (Classical Liberalism) -
varieties of Socialism -
Congress of Vienna –
purpose & settlement -
Legitimacy & Compensation -
Quadruple Alliance -
Concert of Europe (Congress System) -
Holy Alliance -
Troppau Conference / Protocol -
Evangelical Churches / Awakening -
Burschenschaften / Karlsbad Decrees -
Seditious Meetings Act -
Carbonari -phalansteries -
Dialectic / Dialectical Materialism -
Sturm und Drang -
Uprisings of 1816-23 (Spanish & Portuguese, Sicily & Naples)
-Latin American success -
Greek revolution -Greek Revolution & Concert reaction -
Policies of Charles X / July Decrees -
Revolutions of 1830 – locations, causes -
Peterloo -Regulatory Legislation (Factory, Mines & 10 Hours Acts) -
the Great Famine -
Reform Bill of 1832 -
Corn Laws
-People’s Charter and Chartist Movement
-Francois Guizot
-Louis Blanc
-Frederick William IV
-Lajos Kossuth -
Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III)
Joseph Proudhon
-Karl Marx -
Revolutions of 1848 – locations, causes -Potato Famine -
National Workshops -
June Days -
“Crown from the gutter” -
Proletariat -
Combination Acts -
Theory of Class Struggle
-Surplus Value -
Inevitability of Socialism -
Evolutionary Socialism