El Boy C
                                                                                           Sunday night

"I will never desert Micawber" however he may be forgetful of the "Twins" and me, I promised the Rev Sir to "cherish" Mr Micawber, and cherish him I will, tho Pope or Principality, endeavor to drive me from it - the "Twins" cling to him still - it would quite break his heart abandoned tho' he be, to hear them talk about him. Twin Martha broke her heart and went to the Green Mountain, from the topmost cliff of which she flings the pieces round. Twin Susan is more calm, tho' in most deep affliction. You'd better not come home, I say the law will have you, a pupil of the law, o'ertaken by the law, and brought to "condign punishment" - scene for angels and men - or rather for Archangels who being a little higher would seem to have a 'vantage so far as view's concerned! "Are you pretty comfortable tho," and are you deaf and dumb and gone to the asylum where such afflicted persons learn to hold their tongues?

The next time you a'nt going to write me I'd thank you to let me know - this kind of protracted insult is what no man can bear - fight with me like a man - let me have fair shot, and you are "caput mortuum" et "cap a pie," and that ends the business! If you really think I so deserve this silence tell me why - how - I'll be a thorough scamp or else I wont be any, just which you prefer!

Horace Taylor of Spencer's class went to Boston yesterday, it was in my heart to send an apple by him for your private use, but Father overheard some of my intentions and said they were "rather small" - whether this remark was intended for the apple, or for my noble self I did not think to ask him - I rather think he intended to give us both a cut - however, he may go!

You are coming home on Wednesday, as perhaps you know, and I am very happy in prospect of your coming, and hope you want to see us as much as we do you. Mother makes nicer pies with reference to your coming, I arrange my tho'ts in a convenient shape, Vinnie grows only perter and more pertday by day.

The Horse is looking finely, better than in his life, by which you may think him dead unless I add before. The carriage stands in state all covered in the chaise-house - we have one foundling hen into whose young mind I seek to instill the fact that "Massa is a comin!" The garden is amazing - we have beets and beans, have had splendid potatoes for three weeks now. Old Amos weeds and hoes and has an oversight of all thoughtless vegetables. The apples are fine and large in spite of my impression that Father called them "small."

Yesterday there was a fire - at about 3. in the afternon Mr Kimberly's barn was discovered to be on fire - the wind was blowing a gale directly from the west, and having had no rain, the roofs were as dry as stubble. Mr Palmer's house was cleared - the little house of Father's, and Mr Kimberly's also. The engine was broken and it seemed for a little while as if the whole street must go. The Kimberly barn was burnt down, and the house much charred and injured; tho not at all destroyed. Mr Palmer's barn took fire and Dea Leland's also, but were extinguished with only part burned roofs. We all feel very thankful at such a narrow escape. Father says there was never such imminent danger, and such miraculous escape. Father and Mr Frink took charge of the fire, or rather of the water, since fire usually takes care of itself. The men all worked like heroes, and after the fire was out Father gave commands to have them march to Howe's where an entertainment was provided for them - after the whole was over, they gave "three cheers for Edward Dickinson, and three more for the Insurance Company"!

On the whole it is very wonderful that we did'nt all burn up, and we ought to hold our tongues and be very thankful. If there must be a fire I'm sorry it couldnt wait until you had got home, because you seem to enjoy such things so very much.

There is nothing of moment now which I can find to tell you except a case of measles in Hartford. The Colemans were here last week, passed a night here - they came to get John Emerson to travel with Wm Flint. John went to Monson Saturday, and starts with Wm Flint for the White Mts today.

This is one more feather in the Valedictorian's cap, I guess he thinks he will certainly have her now - I mean will have Eliza. If I loved a girl to disstraction, I think it would take some coaxing before I would act as footman to her crazy friends - yet love is pretty solemn. I dont know as I blame John. He is going to be Tutor next year. Vinnie and I made Currant Wine one day last week, I think it will suit you finely.

You remember James Kellogg's Dogs - the one they kept for a watch dog was poisoned by someone and died last week. Chauncey Russell, Frank Pierce, and George Cutler are somewhere on the coast catching fur and fishes, but principally the former. Perhaps they have called on you during their travels sometime tho' I dont know their route exactly. Would'nt I love to take a peep at Old Fanueil and all the little Irish, the day of the city fair?

Goodbye Sir - Fare you well, my benison to your school.

The folks all send their love. My compliments to Joel.