Random Encounters
The Magikarp Song
Hey, you! Pikachu!
I want you on my team!
Your shocking 'lectric powers
complement my water theme!
I've got a chance to catch you,
So please don't take this to heart!
I'll need to fight you with my Pokemon,
So feel the wrath of MAGIKARP!
Why, you Pikachu!
You think you're pretty tough?
I hope you've packed some Potions,
'Cause my Pokemon play rough!
Prepare yourself for capture!
Stay on guard! Think fast! Look sharp!
I'm here to nab a Surfing Pikachu,
So I choose you, MAGIKARP!
Curse you, Pikachu!
This ain't some sort of game!
You think you're pretty funny,
But you're driving me insane!
I've forty-seven Poke Balls,
Brand new from Poke Mart!
So surrender or you'll be no more!
Beware my deadly MAGIKARP!
Screw you, Pikachu!
My patience has worn out!
I'll wipe that smarmy smile
Off your leering little snout!
Just sit there and look pretty
Before I tear this place apart!
Then we'll see whose laughter's laughing last!
Here comes my MAGIKARP!