Random Encounters
Judge: (The trial of Maya Fey will now come to order
Is the prosecution ready?)
Edgeworth: (Ready, your honor.)
Judge: (Is the defense ready?)
Phoenix: (Ready, your honor.)
Edgeworth: (The prosecution calls detective Dick Gumshoe to the stand.)
Gumshoe: Calls came in approaching midnight
Phoenix: Calls at midnight...
Gumshoe: Someone died due to a fall
Phoenix: What kind of fall?
Judge: Tell about the fall please!
Gumshoe: Claims were made that Miss Fey shoved him
Judge: Miss Fey shoved him?
Gumshoe: Here she's seen right afterwards in the hall
Maya: Excellent photo!
Phoenix: There's something certainly very wrong--
Where's the face here to ID?
Gumshoe: (Looks like she's facing the wrong way...)
Edgeworth: Hold it!
That's her outfit; you can see
Gumshoe: (It is! That's totally her outfit!)
Phoneix: Objection!
Those are clothes!
Who knows who's wearing those robes underneath?
Where's the proof that she was up on the roof?
Gumshoe: Oh, here's the shot where she leaves!
Phoenix: (What?!)
Maya: (Hey, that's me!
I... have a tendency to sleepwalk.)
Gumshoe: Every killer knows her victim
Phoenix: By and large, that's true
Gumshoe: Maya Fey knew Larry Butz
Edgeworth: She knew the Butz!
Phoenix: Something smells like Butz here...
Gumshoe: Not sure why Ms. Maya picked him
Judge: Picked the victim?
Gumshoe: But we fear it's clear
That she went nuts
Phoenix: Pretty unlikely
'cause I can't vet this story yet--
On arrest was Maya sane?
Gumshoe: (Now that I think about it...)
Edgeworth: Hold it!
That's an easy thing to feign
Maya: (Actually, it's way harder than it looks.)
Phoenix: Objection!
There's no motive here
Objection! To that idea too!
I'll object to each ridiculous point
Proposed by any of you!
Judge: Mr. Wright
Please do desist
Disrupting court!
We get the gist!
No need to constantly insist
Phoenix: (Of course, I know, but--)
Judge: No "take that"s
And no retorts!
No second chance
No last resorts!
I'll hold you in contempt of court!
Edgeworth: Correction!
(My witness has more to add
Detective, update your testimony.)
Gumshoe: When the night guards found the body...
Maya: Poor old Larry...
Gumshoe: Led by Oldbag and her team
Phoenix: Such a... shady...
Edgeworth: Surly... lady...
Gumshoe: It was brought to Dr. Hotti
[Phoenix: Dr. Hotti?
Edgeworth: Maya was arrested near the scene
Gumshoe: That's how it happened!
Phoenix: I'm really, really sorry, but
Where's the proof that Larry fell?
Gumshoe: (Other than the messy chalk outline, pal?)
Edgeworth: Take that!
There's his ID badge as well
Hold it!
How'd she know the victim went up outside on the roof?
Edgeworth: Objection!
If you claim that your defendant's being framed
Phoenix: And if you argue she's to blame
Then all the same I ask you
Phoenix and Edgeworth: Where's the proof?
Gumshoe: (Did I do something wrong?)
Judge: (I object to wasting my time going in circles like this!
Verdicts are required in 3 days, and the sing-songy yammering has already cost us one of them!)
Phoenix: (Yammering?)
Edgeworth: (I thought it was rather catchy.)
Judge: (You'd best both examine some evidence and try a bit harder going forward. I expect a far better performance for you tomorrow.)
Phoenix: (Oh, you'll get a performance.)
Judge: (Court adjourned!)