My First 48 Hours As An Editor
When I was a whitehat, I always wondered what it's like to be an editor. Now that I've become one, I know what it's actually like. Well, I like to think that, but I'm just getting started. After months of coaching, I became an editor the other day. Just for memories and reference, I wanted to make this page and describe my first two days as an editor without giving too much away. I have to leave some things as a surprise!
Being an editor is a hundred percent worth the wait. If you're a whitehat, don't rush around trying to be an editor -- focus on improving your tates instead of striving to get to the next level. I'll admit, there were a lot of times during my coaching that I got tired of waiting and just wanted to be an editor already, but I wasn't nearly ready to be an editor at the time. By waiting, my tates gradually improved and now I've achieved my goal.
Some benefits of being an editor are having a yellow name -- the ultimate honor, being able to directly edit tates without having to make proposals, and being able to edit artist information (pictures, Twitter links, etc.). Another power that editors have is being able to accept and reject annotations. However, editors have to be careful not to abuse this power. They can't just reject a tate -- it's a good idea to message the user who made the tate and explain why they rejected it. The same goes for accepting. If a whitehat has made a really great tate, it's nice to message them and tell them they're doing a good job.
But perhaps the best part of being an editor is joining a huge, loving family. That sounds cheesy, I know, but it's true. From the moment you become one, users you had never talked to before congratulate you and make you feel welcomed. You make lots of new friends who will help you get the swing of things. All of the editors, mods, meds, and staff I've talked to so far are incredibly friendly and sincere. They're always willing to help out and answer any questions you have. Even if you don't need help, you can just talk to them! They're extremely fun to be around and chances are, a few of them will like the same music you do, so you can talk about your favorite artists!
It's been less than two days since I became an editor, and they have already been two of the greatest days ever. I've met so many fun new people, and can't wait to see what comes next.