Voice Reveal
Hey guys. So, this is the voice claim. *turns to point out wall* Here's my beautiful Taylor Swift wall, and I have lights but, like, the switch is over there. Um, currently there's, like, this weird Christian news thing on, I don't know why. But it's talking about, like, some dude who was like, "oh, I'm not making an LGBT cake," and I'm, like, "bitch!" Okay, so what am I saying? *checks chat* Why do we talk so much? Oh, I know I have to give Ray a shoutout. So shoutout to you. You have the same name as Ray Toro which is sick. Um, "man locks himself in hot car to prove that babies and dogs are cowards," there's that, obviously. Um, one second guys, I'm gonna ask. *asks chat what to say* We're currently talking about exes, just, like, as a gauge of when I'm actually filming this. Um, yeah, so, um, we're doing - what even is this? Like, why am I... *turns around to get remote to change the channel yet never changes the channel* Um, if you're watching this still, *thumbs up* you go. I don't know what I'm doing with my life, so. *Points to copy of ticket stub on wall* This is my Taylor Swift ticket, just as a, it's not actually the ticket, the ticket's over there *points offscreen*. But, like, *reads chat* okay. I love you Mikey. *tries to do handheart but computer gets in the way* It's awkward to move when you have a laptop on you. But, um, yeah, um. Want me to get my cat? I'll get my cat. *leaves room and returns with cat* I got my baby! This is Molly, my baby. And I love her more than anything, and she's my favorite. What are you doing? Say hello. *makes cat wave* Hi! *puts cat down and checks chat* A room tour. My room is, like, a mess, um, but, basically I have my Taylor wall. This is my bed. It's a mess. I have, like, a 2011 One Direction pillow over there. *accidentally makes a grossed out face* Um. *redirects camera and turns it* Just a general, *weird noise*, but that's, like, my CD shelf. I'll do, like, a better one eventually. But that's, like, you can't even see, ugh. I don't feel like switching it, like, you're being annoying. Like, go away, Mikey, I hate you. Um, I'm gonna cut this off. 'Cause this is getting, like, three minutes and I doubt anyone would want to, like, deal with me for three minutes. Like, I can't even deal with me for three minutes. So see you in, like, two seconds.