The Embrace that Smothers (Saga)
List of songs in "The Embrace that Smothers"

Prologue: Mea Culpa - from 2000's Prison of Desire by After Forever

1. Leaden Legacy - from 2000's Prison of Desire by After Forever
2. Follow in the Cry - from 2000's Prison of Desire by After Forever
3. Yield to Temptation - from 2000's Prison of Desire by After Forever

Adyta ("The Neverending Embrace") - from 2003's The Phantom Agony by Epica

4. Cry for the Moon - from 2003's The Phantom Agony by Epica
5. Façade of Reality - from 2003's The Phantom Agony by Epica
6. Seif al Din - from 2003's The Phantom Agony by Epica

7. Death of a Dream - from 2007's The Divine Conspiracy by Epica
8. Living a Lie - from 2007's The Divine Conspiracy by Epica
9. Fools of Damnation - from 2007's The Divine Conspiracy by Epica

La’Petach Chatat Rovetz - The Last Embrace - from 2007's The Divine Conspiracy by Epica