Hailee Steinfeld
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Escape Hudson Valley
Miles and Peter run out of a door and find themselves facing a group of dining SECURITY GUARD GRAD STUDENTS. A beat.
PETER: Wow. This'd be a good time to turn invisible.
PETER: Okay, not going to turn invisible. (then) Selecting a bagel... act super normal...
Peter starts to walk past the Buffet SUPER NORMAL (not normal at all), helps himself to a bagel...
...as he walks. Miles follows. The Security Guard Students notice.
PETER: You know, it’s funny I get that a lot.
Peter trades Miles the bagel for the computer.
PETER: Now we do a switchy-switchy.
The students PULL OUT WEAPONRY. Peter GRABS THE COMPUTER. As Peter and Miles RUN, the students CHASE!
GRAD STUDENT: Hey! Hands Up!
GRAD STUDENT 2: Get back here! Where do you think you're going? He took a bagel!
AS THEY RUN -- Peter takes off one of his WEB-SHOOTERS, throws it to Miles, who struggles to put it on:
PETER: Alright, time to swing, just like I taught you!
MILES: When did you teach me that?
PETER: I didn't! It’s a little joke for team-building!
Peter passes a web-shooter THROWS MILES OFF THE DECK, swinging into the forest.
PETER: Alright, you ready?
MILES: Of course I'm not ready!
Peter SWINGS INTO THE TREES, but Miles is FROZEN. He's never actually swung before!
Miles is a disaster -- TWISTING and FLAILING on his web as GUNFIRE explodes branches and tree trunks around him.
MILES: Whoa, whoa, I can't do this yet!
PETER: Everybody knows that the best way to learn is under intense, life-threatening pressure!
Miles fumbles with his web shooter.
MILES: C'mon, c'mon!
But he MISSES, TUMBLING to the ground! Guards find him and start SHOOTING.
MILES: Uh oh.
Miles SPRINTS along the forest floor as Peter swings above him.
PETER: What are you doing down there?!
MILES: I run better than I swing!
PETER: You gotta swing or they'll catch you! This is what you wanted!
Miles hears a BUZZSAW. Doc Ock appears CUTTING DOWN TREES with her mechanical arms.
PETER: Uh oh.
Miles tries to find purchase with his web shooter but he keeps missing.
DOC OCK (O.S.): Come back, little boy!
Peter doubles back, yelling advice back at Miles.
PETER: Aim with your hips. Look where you want it to hit. Square your shoulders. Don't forget to follow through. Don’t shoot off your back foot.
Miles runs up a tree -- he’s out of runway!
MILES: That's too many things!
PETER: Then stop listening to me!
MILES: That’s the best idea you've had all day!
Miles leaps off the tree, shoots off a web and.. It CONNECTS! He swings away as Peter knocks down Doc Ock.
PETER: Nice, Miles!
Miles swings onto a branch and swings alongside Peter.
MILES: I'm doing it!
PETER: Good, you're doing it! Double tap to release and thwip it out again. Thwip and...
MILES: Okay. Thwip...
PETER: And release. And thwip...
MILES: Thwip...
PETE: Release.
MILES: Thwip. And release.
PETER: You're a natural.
PETER/MILES: Thwip. Release.
PETER: Feel the rhythm?
MILES: Woohoo! And release.
PETER: Good, Miles!
It's ugly...but they look pretty good. They really do.
MILES: I gotta say, you're amazing, man!
PETER: We're a little team. Me as the teacher who can still do it. You as the student who can do it just not as good. I'm proud of us! Is there something you want to say to me?
Just then, Peter GLITCHES, falling down onto a thick branch.
MILES: Peter!
Miles crashes onto the branch, grabbing the computer by it's power cord. However, the BRANCH BREAKS, causing both to fall down, which allows Ock to grab the computer -- They're done for. But then--
WHOOSH! -- A BLACK and PINK BLUR swings by.
MILES : What the...
PETER: Who did that?
In mid-air we see a mysterious girl in a HOODIE and BALLET SHOES dispatches Doc Ock while WEBBING Peter and Miles to safety.
She lands, with Miles and Peter in embarrassing positions. She DE-MASKS.
WANDA: (to Miles) Hey, guys.
MILES: (shocked) Gwanda?
GWEN: It's Gwen, actually.
PETER: Oh, you know her? Very cool.
GWEN: I'm from another dimension. I mean, another, another dimension.