Luke Dick
Heaven Knows
I see the water, I see the drain, drain, drain
Reflections going underground, and coming round again
So many circles, where do they end, what, why, and how?

So, I rode the rivers, I search (sailed?) the sea, sea, se-as
Jumped off all the waterfalls, rowed gently down the stream
In all the mirrors and salty dreams
And almost drowned:

When I die, then what will I see
When I lose my body, what will I be
Will the earth take back my last heartbeat and my bones

Will I lay there, stuck in the ground
Will a worm then take me into her mouth (Wanda)
Will I turn into a perfect seed for a rose…oh, heaven knows

I found the flowers in the spring, spring, spring
Tried all the things that poets dream and singers seem to sing
Lived through the summer, feeling free, but leaves turn brown

When I die, then what will I see
When I lose my body, what will I be
Will the earth take back my last heartbeat and my bones

Will I lay there, stuck in the ground
Will a worm then take me into her mouth (Wanda)
Will I turn into a perfect seed for a rose…oh, heaven knows
I made a baby, taught her to breathe, breathe, breathe
Read her every book I had, jumped on trampolines
Until we laid there, wondering into the clouds

She sang:

When I die, then what will I see
When I'm gone, daddy, what will I be
Will the earth take back my last heartbeat and my bones

Will I lay without a sound
Will a worm then take me into her mouth (Wanda)
Will a bird then pluck us out of the ground
Take me for a ride in the clouds
Drop me where the winding river flows…oh, heaven knows