William Bolton
Name Calling
She never call me by my real name
Convinced that I'm playing mind games
Pointing fingers with the blame games
I'm losing track of all these nicknames
Ima jackass
Ima douchebag
And a fugitive
How ironic she name calling when I stay over
Then she name calling as soon as I fuck her over

Damn another missed opportunity
Failing these road rules lost me my immunity
Bad for her health like gaining extra calories
Plus she too sweet for me & I don't need the cavities
So I leave her curbside like takeout
Got her head scratching when I dandruff and flake out
Mapping out alternatives Ima take the high route
Til I wana make up as soon as we make out
Call it hopscotch we back to square one
Know I struck out but could you spare one
Even if I am the one behind her trust issues
And the reason why her pillows have become her tissues
Got her all in myspace no social network
Say I'm like the other guys calling me a Walhberg
Fighting back and forth playing tug of war
Tryna call me out I keep pressing on ignore