Lil Peep
Open Your Mind

Here we go

Open your mind as always
U hear your momma is telling u everyday
Yeah x3


You should open your mind everyday your mamma talking to u like that open your mind x2
People keep talking about u should open your mind everyday x2
As always its 24 hours as in the morning as in the night

Verse two: open your mind as your mamma telling u everyday x4
Your parents are telling u to oepn your mind but people mind there business dang dang they keep talking about u all day long they keep talking about I dont I dont know why u should open your mind cause they keep talking about u u dont notice that oepn your mind everyday as they are talking to u everyday as always x3

Intro: Yeah

As always your mamma keep talking to u to open your mind x6
Ayyya as your mama keep talking to
