Eddie Noack
He’s Getting Smaller (With Each Drink)
Oh, that girl is sure a beauty and that guy she's with has got to be a beast
They just came into the bar and even sitting down he stands above 6 feet
And I'd surely like to meet her, just to say hello would certainly be nice
Hey waitress, fix another drink, and this time how about one his size
They say he makes a living splitting mighty trees in two with his bare hands
And his middle name is tushhog; I'd be crazy to take on that kind of man
Cause I'm a lover, not a fighter, I stand five foot nine (at least when I wear boots)
Waitress make this shot a double and if you don’t mind just leave out all that fruit
She's smiling at me now, and I can see she'd like to get rid of that bull
Well I'll bet he changes faces and gets hairy when the moon is getting full
And while we’re on that subject, of what my drinks that’s what my drinks ain't being that for sure
You can save yourself some trouble waitress If you'll leave the bottle on the bar
She just looked into my eye and smiled at me again and then she winked
You bet a little man could dazzle him and he shouldn't be no trouble too I'd think
Waitress ask that lady what she'll have, give her anything and put it on my tab
He's getting smaller with each drink, and it might be I can take him down a dab
He's getting smaller with each drink and it might be I can take him down a dab