Indulge yourself for all of the eyes of the world to see
Fickle in nature... the definition thereof
Bashful for a moment, loving for a monent
Trustworthy for a moment...
Trustworthy for a moment, but only for a moment
Content... content for a moment, but only for a moment
But so quick to page him with 1 4 3
Impatient, improper and unhealthy
Content... content for a moment, but only for a moment you'll beg
In between the cracks they go. no one knows that they pulled back sheets and made their names
(Dear Father)
In the middle of bliss it gets cold... it gets old, and you get hungry... hungry for the things that you threw away
And that made themselves open
Content for a moment, but only for a moment
Worthy... worthy for a moment, but no longer worthy for me
Innocent on contact... unknowing that we knew the whole time and left you in the cracks long enough to hang yourself...
Your Family
Pin the A on your chest. your face showing regret
In between the cracks they go. no one knows that they pulled back sheets and got their fame
Indulge yourself for all of the eyes of the world to see
Fickle in nature... the definition thereof
Bashful for a moment, loving for a monent
Trustworthy for a moment...
Trustworthy for a moment, but only for a moment
Content... content for a moment, but only for a moment
So beg
In between the cracks they go. no one knows that they pulled back sheets to hide their shame
If you want it so bad why don't you just take it
Prynne the A on your chest? your face showing regret?
Shameful the lust you let win. your face showing regret
Take it