Enterprise Earth
IV. Chasms of Hell
Now to shed this fucking skin, I can feel it all
Malformed, this shape I am in
I can make it what I want, and I can kill it

All in all, was it so much to give?
A pound of flesh, an offer to the spirit
A lesson for the soul, it's all a means to an end

Shapeshifter, show me power
Rend the sinews, slit my throat, proven devout
Watch the snake exit my open wound
And curse this hallowed ground

I devour this flesh, uncover feathers forming now
So I take to the skies, my wings unfurling now
In unholy flight

The first taste of air, breath of the divine
Split skin tearing away
Against the harshnеss of solace and the winter wind
I еnvelop the stars, I cast them aside
I wish to bleed the sky

Now, take me below, deep in the ground
Into the chasms of Hell, I seek thee out
Remnants of her follow me down
Fragmented memories, like a twisted dream
Clawing and winding its way through my mind
Evil, such evil, it rips through my spine

I devour this flesh, uncover feathers again
My wings unfurling now

So I take to the skies, my wings unfurling now
In unholy flight
The first taste of air, breath of the divine
Split skin tearing away
Against the harshness of solace and the winter wind
I envelop the stars, I cast them aside now

I wish to bleed the fucking sky

Devour, I prove myself devout
The snake enters my mouth, I see her
Shapeshifter, show me fucking power
I prove myself devout
The snake exits my mouth, I see her
Shapeshifter, show me fucking power

I prove myself devout
The snake exits my mouth, I see her
Shapeshifter, show me fucking power
I prove myself devout
The snake exits my mouth, I see her
Shapeshifter, show me fucking power...