(ominous voice): Welcome to the isle of unexpected becomings. Just kidding - it's just the isle of walking around in circles.
(unidentified voice, "Sebastian"?): Woah! Sounds like my SoundCloud feed!
(deep, background voice): Shut up, Sebastian!
"Sebastian": Only seven hundred-
(robotic voice): (alarm sounding) I'm so tired of walking!
"Sebastian": Only seven hundred miles to go!
(robotic voice): How long are we gonna do this, bro?
"Sebastian": Uh... Two hundred years! ...at least!
(robotic voice): (teleportation sound) I think we should stop.
"Sebastian": No!
(robotic voice): I think we should stop right here!
"Sebastian": Okay...
(exclamation sound effect)
"Sebastian:" Do you see those guys? (buzzing sound playing)
(unidentified, raspy voice): Kinda loud, huh? Oh my god!
(unidentified other voice): I'm getting so dizzy from the fumes, I think I'm gonna puke!
"Sebastian": There's only one thing we can do.
(unidentified, deeper voice): Then what should we do?
(crash sound effect)
"Sebastian": Destroy them all... with a rap song! (haaaa)
I'm like, bitch, who is your mans? (huh)
Can't keep my dick in my pants (precisely)
LoneMoon: Yeah, yeah, I got hype shit, you know I got hype shit