2Pac Shakur

It's me against the world baby
I got nothing to lose
It's just me against the world baby

Energy channeling for any G challenging
This adventure of aging is disadvantaging
I'm managing, the man a G
I'm panicking, the pen a king

At first it's deep to thirsty fish
To fetch a drink, land the craft or ship
Learned the craft of sheep
Fill in formed to the chalice brim

Cash is chief on the chess of cheese

Degree lessens far learning to professorships
Decree lessons for earning professional means

The shelter less
Shacks as shells, in there resting
They shall tell us
Sex to sell, interesting

The king's affection yearns understanding from a queens's perspective

Mirror, mirror on the wall of horrors
Am I prettier, charming or gorgeous?
Who's bigger, above in orders?
Is it teachers, farmers, doctors?
Political leaders, or Harvard scholars?

Welcome winter with summer exhausted

Evil spirits, summoned exalted
Even digits, odd sums are sorted
Eve greetings to some assaulted

Money spent obsessed with flue
More needs spared off secs which flew
Love me for my rand view
Love me for my rant, phew
Lovely is per rented view
Lovely is parented few

Should I be pitiful or just give you a misery look?
Be the future mirror or put me in history books?
Hunger makes the best kitchen and food
So fishing is good if you itching to cook
Number ya minutes that's how ours is seasoned
A rose flower has risen from humble beginnings

If life is a song I tuned mine into couple releases
Broke the man in the mirror to multiple pieces
So it is me first before someone it pleases
Life is the mother of bitches there's only karma to sleep with
Cuddles and kisses since its cousin isn't coming to visit
Struggle to listen to the chubby one singing
Running unfinished notes of wonder and rhythms

Pennies assisting sisters' hand jobs, it's anti-thesis

Investing than debit depending on less spending
Kept banking attempting offsetting my death credit
I can dictate, the candidate that's best candid
Converting firm atheist, con vetting fam ethics
In cases of bad antics man don't press panic
To a certain eccentrics expected as Cedric

Yet excceisve, my calling to stop the carnage in corporate and colleges
Showing coordinates to finding jobs and bondages
Just so graduates can come of age trying to afford mortgages

I rather strive for ownership
I wasn't given five I was shown to fish
You got drive chauffeur it
Before lights, it's a globe and switch
What this pencil does is draw the Exodus as Godly messengers
There's still more left to right I'm ambidextrous
All well with my soul, mind, body etcetera
Money is venomous
It ain't just about kicking it like rugby lessons are
Find your radius from the center half
You get the straight like diameters or probably squares and such
Whose modus operandi is murderous

Ain't no hope for the nation at the voting stations
Reality is we been on state grants for generations
Quoted equations to supplement old age pension

Such bold raging tension

Was cross belled, check colors with clock budding fastened
I cross belt, check collars with top button fastened
Across built, cheque callers, with job button fastened

Please pardon me or please the part in me

Death is calling, I disconnected lines
It was all alarming, ADT responded in time
Freedom is coming to the despondent type