Malvina Reynolds
The Albatross
It is an ancient mariner
Who stoppeth one of three
He killed the blessed albatross
When he was out to sea
And the guilt it hangs about his neck
The same as you and me
Poor old sailor
Who shot the gentle bird

I don't know why he shot him
The silly gooney duck
But if you shoot an albatross
You sure are out of luck
For forever, ever, after
It will hang around your neck
Poor old sailor
Who shot the gentle bird

I also wear the albatross
The bird of guilt I bear
I shafted my best buddy
In a moment of despair
And the guilt is always with me
In my dreams and everywhere
Poor old sailor
Who shot the gentle bird

Yet those that kill their thousands
With napalm in the street
They live a good respected life
And sleep an easy sleep
And they'd never shoot an albatross
It isn't good to eat
Poor old sailor
Who shot the gentle bird

So never kill a gooney bird
Or knife your loving kin
And never burn a single soul
Be sure it's more than ten
And never do a stick-up
But gouge the world of men
And leave bad dreams to sailors
Who kill the gentle bird