Toby Fox
An Ending
Hello, my name’s Chara, how are you?
I hope you’re swell..

Hi, my name is Frisk, how are you?
Have you fallen as well?

Say, are you lost?
Come take my hand,
I’ll help you travel
Through the land…

Say, are you lost?
Come walk with me,
I could use
Your sweet company.

Hey, look over there!
Grab that knife,
End that woman’s
Worthless life

Hey, look other there!
Walk to the end
Turn around,
Make a friend

It’s the end

Let’s start again…

Or we continue
And we’ll face the king…

Well let’s show him peace,
A small token of mercy
No, hey, dear instead,
How about we show him our bloodshed?

Which will you choose:
Peace or the plague?
Know that when you choose,
You must obey.

Peace or the plague?
Which will suffice?
Take this from me:
It’s more fun with a knife…

Which will you choose:
Peace or the plague?
Once you choose one,
You must not stray

Peace or the plague?
Which one will do?
Take this from me:
Love is easier to choose…

Oh, I wanted more,
Born with hatred to my core,
To kill the ones above,
Truly that was just.

But wasn’t that enough?
A place that’s truly yours?
Where you were never shunned
or greeted by closed doors?

Peace or the plague?
Peace or the plague?
Which will be yours?
Which will be your SAVE?

Peace or the Plague.
Which one will do…?
That choice is not ours,
It is up to you…