Richard F. Burton
Arabian Nights, Vol. 5 (Chap. 51)
The Emir Ali Bin Tahir And The Girl Muunis.

Once on a time was displayed for sale to Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdallah bin Táhir[FN#252] a slave-girl called Muunis who was superior to her fellows in beauty and breeding, and to boot an accomplished poetess; and he asked her of her name. Replied she, "Allah advance the Emir, my name is Muunis."[FN#253] Now he knew this before; so he bowed his head awhile, then raising his eyes to her, recited this verse,

         "What sayest of one by a sickness caught *
                  For the love of thy love till he waxed distraught?"
Answered she, "Allah exalt the Emir!" and recited this verse in reply,
         "If we saw a lover who pains as he ought, *
                 Wi' love we would grant him all favours he sought."

She pleased him: so he bought her for seventy thousand dirhams and begat on her Obayd' Allah bin Mohammed, afterwards minister of Police.[FN#254] And we are told by Abu al-Ayná[FN#255] a tale of


[FN#252] Governor of Egypt, Khorasan, etc. under Al-Maamun.

[FN#253] i.e., a companion, a solacer: it is also a man's name (vol. i. xxiv.).

[FN#254] At Baghdad; evidently written by a Baghdad or Mosul man.

[FN#255] A blind traditionist of Bassorah (ninth century).