SAT Raptice (SAT Rap Practice)
I aesthetically, affectionately agree on my aggravation
While I babble about being besieged by bombination
Continuing the conjecture of constructing a contribution
Distributing a demonstration that debates about disillusion
Eventually employing an ecological euthenist
Fundamentally finding a friendly fascist
Generally generating a generic Genocide
Hesitantly helping a horse on the Harbor-side
Instantly igniting an individuals imagination
Journalizing a judiciary that jump to a justification
Kidnapping Karate killing Koreans in Kazakhstan
Lyrically, limiting my literal literacy into a landmine-
Money Mongering, making millions in my mansion
Not being n***ardly, just not nonaggression
Onomatopoeia using Ohh!, Ow!, and Ouch!
Painstakingly paying perception to the poetical paunch
Quietly quivering to the quarrels of the questionnaire
Relatively relating to the rebellion in the repertoire
Secretly sneaking the stealthiest steals
Tenaciously tediously, triangulating a totalitarian
Unambiguously under the urban unionization
My Vicious vocabulary is veering vengeance
Why would a Willow tree be withered with wretchedness
Getting xenophobic at the xylophone playing xylophonist
Yelling at the Youthfulness of the youth, Yippee Ki Yay, yours truly Yeshua. Yay-ya
Oh no i forgot Z....ZOO