Jacob Lee
Friends Help You Move and Remember Your Usernames
Creeping feeling
Sinking feeling
Tap once
Tap twice
Leave me reeling
Nothing ever really stays the same
Dig in deep until it feels familiar
I’m a shell of who I once was
Familiar face but the illusion
Dies as soon as I open my mouth
And the words betray my disguise
But bring it out and it dies soon after
It all changes and not for the better
Find something new in the depths
It’s all this pressure
They tell me
To expect
A diamond from my coal
But I’ll end up
In the boiler room
Steaming, polluted soul
Carry it up to the light to show the world
It can't handle the lack of pressure
Don’t blame yourself
It was the happiest I’d ever been, but you know I am
And leaking
And even if I smiled every day for you
I couldn’t hold it up all the time
It was never meant to exist up here
Every attempt is a reminder
Decay is progressing faster
Every look in the mirror
This person is a stranger
The old me that you miss
I ran away from home
You changed the locks
I doubt you remember me
The way I remember you
I would want to forget too
The way I remember what I want you for
The young one you remember
You don't know where they went off to
Foggy memory passed on with a whisper