Jacob Lee
Chelsea's Grim
JACOB: And the devil chewed you up and then he spit you out. But you don't even know what I’m talking about

PATRICK: Tell me stories of your life. Whisper secrets in my ear. Trace my spine with sharpest knife until my veins are running clear

J&P: Our tongues remain our sharpest blades/You don't exorcise in Mordor/Hearts of gold and minds of steel/We're just stabbing, stab, stab. Wasted facelift

J: Walk towards death, step by step, regret you left, mind is bent, We walk towards death, theres no turning back, the walls rise each side, arms can’t reach the stone

J: And the devil chewed you up and then he spit you out. But you don't even know what I'm talking about. You were too blind to see you can't just walk right into the city of Mordor

P: When we put our minds to it, it's amazing how far we can go. If only we'd focus on what ought to get done instead of second breakfast

P: No matter the fellowship, no matter the gold. No matter the weapons and armor you hold. No matter the courage, no matter the strength. No matter the distance. No matter the length. No matter the key. No matter the door. One does not simply walk into . .