Jacob Lee
Time Share Condom
JACOB: I feel it burning, and i just want to dive in headfirst with you. But i sense the claws latch on and pull me back to where I'm from. nothing changes unless i change myself. I know i'm mostly just a prop but i could use a rewrite

PATRICK: There's a voice in my throat, but I know it's not (my own). It coughs and wheezes and has claimed me as a throne. It scratches at (my words) and throws them like a stone

J: I want your sympathy, but do not look at me, I don't know what to say, so please don't talk to me

P: I stare at the depth of the blue in the sky and sink into the dirt. I imagine the weight of the world upon me and collapse into myself

J&P: I used to have eyes for only you. How could I have been so blind? There's a place I once called home, but it was never really mine. I've risen from the ashes, and now I miss the flame. I tell myself I'm changing, but know I'm still the same

J: I'm hiding, it's blinding. raise the flag, cover it all, feed the dark, hone the wall. i peek through and burn myself, it's not worth it but I'm curious, what's happening across the glass but i'll just keep my distance

J&P: I used to have eyes for only you. How could I have been so blind? There's a place I once called home, but it was never really mine. I've risen from the ashes, and now I miss the flame. I tell myself I'm changing, but know I'm still the same. I'm still the same