She said, she said suck it up like a pipet
She said, she said suck it up
She said, she said suck it up like a mutherfucking pipet
Suck it up right down suck it up
You want to see how very far you can take me
So suck it up right down suck it up
You want to take me to sea
Right down into the sea, now don't forget
If you dont take me out into the sea
That is the deep sea, dark sea, unseen sea
Double d c they say everything
And baby Evee I'm afraid it isn't always this easy
Facts are no longer true
Not even the sky is Blue
It's a Beautiful shade of purple instead the purple doesn't last
Like this nebulas never wrote when she-he together
Keep failing the grasp
Keep motherfucking failing to grasp
You fail to grasp like this suit will never last
So make sure that when you do suck me up
You don't do it too fast
Don't, don't do it in the sea when where I make cloud of candy
A cotton candy cloud candy