Kyle Freestyle - 2017 XXL Freshman
When I think about you
Life is not as bad
Gas prices ain't as high
And sad movies are not as sad
I pray to God I never break your heart
And end up like my dad
I don't think he ever planned to fail
He just failed to plan
So I don't use the calendar
It's not in my genetics though
Nolan Cole's on his iPhone
So I don't sweat it yo'
Customized by living a life of never having shit
So I just learned the dance and rapping shit to go and get it yo'
G-Easy was easy to sing like R Kelly on an empty belly
Like Helen Keller ain't nobody can tell me nothing
I knew my shit was slappin'
I knew my bass was bumpin'
I used to sound like Drake
Dude, tell me who fucking doesn't
But I was 13 so fuck it, oh well
I'm 23 and now I'm trying to be as cool as Pharrell
Like for real, who's gon' be on top?
You never can tell
Got homies on the block who went from Deebo to Ezal
Ha, I told them "I'd rather be Craig"
Make music, make money instead
It's funny how the things keeping me fed
Bought me a bed, all came from my head