For Real
This is for real this is my truth
We swore we’d never write love songs
And if you’re trapped by stage & song
I never thought I’d lose
My cynics mind as I drive
I’ll park up underneath the bridge
Walk a mile along the ridge
I'll leave everything in place
Of my guitar they’ll find no trace
I’ll keep my silence to the end
You can say I was a friend
I’ll start again somewhere new
Where no one knows me or you
Don’t ever doubt your faith in me
I’ll never lose my trust in you
And if they ask you where I’ve gone
You can say whatever you like
I’ll park up underneath the bridge
Walk a mile along the ridge
I'll leave everything in place
Of my guitar they’ll find no trace
I’ll keep my silence to the end
Tell them I was just a friend
I’ll walk out onto the sea
To wash away what’s left of me
And then I’ll look back home
Just one last time and I’ll cry
I parked up underneath the bridge
Walked a mile along the ridge
I left everything in place
Of my guitar they found no trace
I walked in silence to the end
Loved you like you were a friend
I’ll start up on the isle of green
Where no one knows who or what I've been