Ivor Cutler
A Great Grey Grasshopper
A great grey grasshopper jumped on my knee
Dusty with age
I was wearing my blue serge trousers
So the grasshopper left a mark
My mother was ever so sad
They had just come back from the cleaners
I shall stop your pocket money for three weeks
She shouted, and burst
In tears

My great grandmother jumped on my knee
Rusty with age
She was wearing her blue pyjamas
So great grandmother left a mark
My father was ever so mad
She had just come back from the cleaners
I shall scrub her for three weeks
He shouted, and burst
With a bang

A plastic dinosauros jumped on my knee
Grumpy with age (Grumpy with age)
I was wearing my spaceman's trousers
So that was the end of that

The martian's were ever so sad