I'm just a slut and a slag and a chick
Who apparently wants to suck your dick
I'm not sure where you got that from
Known you for ten seconds too long
Started from when I was a little kid
Mom prayed that I wouldn't grow big tits
Cause if I did, I'd be every man's bitch
Yum, yum, love, lap, lap, lick, lick
Nice legs, cross the street to avoid it
Nice hair, cross your [?]
Nice skirt, cross your legs or they'll see it
Nice walk, cross that off of the dream list
There's one thing I don't seem to get
You're shocked by my tits, but your mom's got breasts
And so does your sister and probs the mister
And I don't think you'd want them to kiss you

Don't fucking touch me
Don't fucking touch me
Don't fucking touch me
I was born in the nineties
Don't fucking touch me
Don't fucking touch me
Don't fucking touch me
I was born in the nineties
Oi, bitch you look so fine
Jump in and come round mine
No thanks, babe, I'm alright
Don't really want to be with you tonight
How dare you try to say no
When I can see your tits from down the road
How dare you try to go
When I can see your ass from Lapford Yeo

Well I can see your chest hair from Deptford Bridge
And I think you might be an asshole a smidge
Don't call me bitch if you want to get a kiss
That's now how you pick up a lady is it?
Why don't you stop looking for skin
And accept that him equals her equals him
If you want to get my respect at all
Then shut your mouth and don't catcall