Mr. Varnell
Upping Your Annotation Game!
Section IPlease make sure your annotations actually explain something.

Remember: explain, don’t just re-word or describe.




Here’s some dope things you can do to make an interesting annotation:

DON’T highlight more than you are going to annotate. It sucks when someone highlights 5 lines and then explains 1 word. Only highlight what you intend to annotate (usually just 1 or 2 lines).

You should also never annotate just one word.

Lastly, if you are annotating a line with some grandiose language, look that stuff up, bro! It might improve your work! Section IIBad grammar, poor spelling, no punctuation, no capitalization – that’s that junk I don’t like!

Please write in complete sentences, not fragments.

Use the spellcheck feature.

Capitalize the beginning of sentences, proper nouns, and other stuff that needs it.

Do not write in text speak! Section IIIEvery good annotation has an appropriate, relevant picture.

Remember what kind of URL you are looking for when adding pictures:

This is good.

This ain’t.

A quick how-to on hyperlinks: the format will always be

[Text you want hyperlinked](web address) Section .80^ (I got jokes, bruh)