Mr. Varnell
I am a lonely tweet
i am a lonely tweet:
posted for the world’s attention
or at least the @mention of far away friends and further gone gods
please, please like me, snap me, share me, kik me
being goofy or aloof is not my purpose here:
i’m craving your comments, longing your likes
a swipe from silent syber space:
here’s my book; here’s my face;
please, please downvote my disgrace,
by hearting how much i ball,
how LOL’s my GIF,
goin’ out with a bang and not as a whimp,
yet we drift further out to sea ourselves
drowning in cyber space odysseys of our own making;
technology turned against us, and now we wail under its knife:
slain in my sub that's become my cage.
i am a lonely tweet:
this is highly irregular; didn’t think i’d feel through the pixels,
but now it’s crystal clear on my HDX
that the universe is a sad and barren place:
and i want off this ship, need an ipod back home,
as black holes swallow every bit of me:
downloaded, imploded, corroded –
is instagram nation our instadamnation?
malfunction discourse, the world needs a hero;
i thought i’d 1 but now i’m a 0:
BYE – nary a dream to live for,
sucked into breathless, chucked into darkness, the child fades…...
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i am a lonely tweet: