Mr. Varnell
MOAR Varnell 2015 Peer Review
I am from Brooklyn, New York. I am from a placed called Brighton Beach – Coney Island. I know my home really well. I love to call my home because it is my home. I lived on ocean av which was one block down from Coney Island - Brighton Beach.

When I was a little kid, I use to like to go to the park, to the beach and a lot of other there stuff because there was so much fun places in Brighton. My dad always took me and my brother out to places, so that’s why me and my brother know Brighton Beach very well. What we feel for Brighton Beach is not very hard to explain. We love it a lot, we love how some other people care about other people. We love how people give back to people. We love how people protect people if there in trouble

Three different states very well. One is Lawrenceville, Georgia Where I currently live. New Jersey, Newark. Brooklyn, New York Brighton beach. These are the three place’s I know very well. Reason I know very well because I grow up in these three places. At of all places that I know well, I must say that I know Brighton beach very well. The reason I know Brighton Beach very well is because I was born and raised most of my whole life there. I know Brighton beach so well that most Russians lived in Brighton Beach. There is so many Russians that the Russians have a little blocked called “The Russians projects”. its not actually a Russian projects. its just a neighborhood that is called that.

When I was young all most of my family know Russian people. Brighton Beach was like another home to them. The Russians called it like another Russia. Reason why so many Russians came to new York was to get a better life and get away from violence. At the time Russia was in the cold war. During the cold war a lot of Russian people wanted to come to America. Most of the Russians reunited in Brighton Beach. When they came to Brighton Beach, they open up there groceries and there clothing stores. Brighton is know for people to just come and make their self’s feel welcome because in Brighton people are always welcome people.

I’m glad my parents always took my to room around Brighton beach because if they didn’t I will never know about a place like Brighton. As a kid I remember I loved to eat pizza all the time so my parents would make my brother get a whole pie for us to eat. I use to go with my brother to go get the pizza and the pizzeria was only one block down, not even far from my old house. Everything I wanted to eat was only one block down. Discuss some issue of personal, local, or national concern and its importance to you.

The government is denying us to truth. There are so many things out there that they don’t tell us. They tend to tell us only parts of secrets that we can only wrap around our head. Mythical creatures, UFO sightings, mysterious deaths, strange natural phenomenon are just a few of many that they don’t tell us. Do you know why they don’t step onto the moon anymore, or maybe missing planes or ships and unexplainable disappearances, “There are no such things as monsters underneath your bed .”

There are many mysteries in the world that will creep up on us and make us wonder, what we are really allowed to know about. One cover up that everyone knows about is area 51. They say that aliens never existed or have ever visited earth before. They say that the Roswell crash was a hoax. There are so many issues with the government that really may impact us in the future. We can only be ignorant to the many things people say they saw or know that exist, but in reality they are just more rumors floating around that the government or an official party tries to cover.

Another problem would be the lack of information that the public is rally allowed to know. People higher up always have something to do under the table. Only showing us what they want you to know and what we don’t really care for. The government knows that if something big were to go out, it would create mass panic cause of the stuff they have already hidden from us. So many politicians try to keep their power by doing things under the table and people who are close to power to obtain it. All throughout my life, like many before me, I was forced to attend something for a total of half a year. So many children and teens go there and don’t want to come back but, are required to. That dwelling is school however; this isn’t another essay about hating school. It’s about how my view on the importance of staying in school, getting a job, and going to college.
It took a long time, years in fact, and to be precise my junior year of high school. My mom once told me to not drop out of high school like my brother did. She said that the only reason my brother has a job is because of her. She filled out his resume so my brother could work at the same place as her. I remember this because she looked me dead in the eyes and said “I’m not going to do the same to you”. Having this I don’t care attitude I shrugged it off, saying to myself that I’m not ever going to drop out. Well, I came really close. I was really thinking about being a high school dropout. The work I was getting was tedious, long, and at some times undeniably hard. So I started thinking to myself, “Why am I still here?” This question lingered in my head. Spreading like a virus, it led on to create more thoughts that would eventually come to the conclusion that school it worthless. What’s the point about anything it teaches me if I rarely used it outside of school? High school doesn’t prepare you for anything that is essential to know how to do it. These thoughts lead on and on and on into what seemed like an endless cycle of frustration. It wasn’t until one of my mom’s old friends came to stay with us.
She was rather large; I mean this was a big woman! She had to walk to like a penguin, side to side, to move. I had never seen someone in that condition before. She also reeked of a foul stench, a smell that would stick like gorilla glue on a hard wooden surface. I attempted every moment that I saw her to avoid her. One time I asked why she was staying with us. She told me she is homeless and living on less than $200 worth of food stamps every month. She was living in her car before it got reposed due to failure of paying the monthly note. There’s more to her story and most of the problems in it are because of what she does. Anyways, she enlightened me. Whether she knows it or not she made a significant enough of an impact to make me reconsider everything I thought about when it came to school. While I’ll never say it, I thank her for showing me what can happen if I ever choose to dropout, although she has long overdue her stay.
With all this in mind, I feel really stupid for even considering dropping out. I finally realized, with many other influences along the way not stated in this essay, that school is important because the thing that I get when I graduate, the diploma, is a necessity. That paper will help me land a job, which I need if I don’t want to be like you know who. And when I graduate I’m going to college, because the more years I spend into getting an education the better the diploma I can get, which will land me into getting more and better job opportunities. So in the end I guess it could be put like this. You go through school and college to get the paper, so you can get the paper. The greatest challenge you have faced or expect to face

The greatest challenge I expect to face is getting accepted to C.S.U.N. Cause it is one of the most of the best school rather go to cause of the GPA they ask u to require to have is only a 2.0 passing.
It’s in California I went to the college with my brother to see how hard to be college student. Lots of students join their own club and their own fertility house for guys only. It is hard because people that don’t have good grades for the first semester they will be drop from the class and pay the next semester to retake the class to be illegible to go to the next year .
If I don’t get accepted my back up plan is to join the army rangers and take courses while I’m in services. I while do service for at least four years to get myself enough money for me to be able to survive. I will get a part time job if I go to college in C.S.U.N. to study architect and law.
This year I will keep my record clean and be responsible for my actions in school. I will try to maintain my GPA a 4.0 to be able to earn myself a scholarship. When I graduate, I will work full time job to be able to support my family with bills and bank erupt payment. I’ll start to save my money to be able to pay my tuition for the how many years I need to get my masters for law or architecture. One of the places’ I know best is where my parents were born and raised. This place is where I can find freedom. Every year I go visit I feel like an eagle soring throw the blue sky. My heart starts to race every time my family and I go visit. Every year we go visit my parents family, it shows me that family is what really matters in life.
The first year I visited my parents’ home town was when I was ten years old. We had left the house around two in the morning on a Saturday night. That night my mom and dad where ready with the luggage and everything in my dad’s ford f-350 (king ranch). My brother and sister had woken up when I walked in there room and told them to get ready so we could leave. While my brother and sister started to get read, my mom started to look for our passports, while my dad checked the truck for anything that might cause a problem with it.
After my mom and dad had done everything they needed to do we headed off on the freeway. My brother and sister half asleep in the truck and, my mom and dad as well. Me on the other hand, my heart was still racing and just jumping with joy inside. My dad started driving and it would take us one full day and three more hours just to get to the border. My mom and dad toke turns drive and I also helped them out a little as well. After the long drive we finally reached the border and there were a lot of people there. The line to cross the border was very long, more than the down town Atlanta traffic is on a game day. After the 3 hours we spent at the border we were ready to hit the road again. It was my dad’s turn to drive again, pulse he was the only one that know the shortest way to get there without taking the long way like last time. A person who has had a significant influence on you

My mother has influenced me to be the best I can be. Without her I wouldn’t be the way I am today. She’s gone through a lot and still manages to pull through with me and my sisters. She’s never gives up because that’s something she wouldn’t want me or my sisters to do.

4 years ago we went through the worst. Of course there were struggles, but she didn’t give up. She did everything possible for me and my sisters would be good. There were days where she just wanted to give up, everything that was being said, family turning their back but she didn’t. She such a strong, hard working woman that I hope to be like. People thought she wouldn’t be able to do it alone with 3 girls being the age we were.

She’s someone I will always look up to. Even though me and my sisters put her through a lot she continues to advise us and show us what is right. She doesn’t just say “I am done I give up “that’s a phrase that will never be heard. She’s always pushing me and my older sister to be the best we can be to not let anything nor no one bring us down but prove them wrong. My mother is someone who I know will always be here for me whenever I need advice or anything she’s like a close friend that I am able to tell them anything even if it gets her mad or bothered she tells us to do what is best. The place I know very well is Myrtle Beach South Carolina it’s like once you step on the beach walk around sit on the sand you listen to waves any problems that you have or were facing soon start to fade away once you stare into the ocean you start to feel free and calm. As you step onto the water you feel your body and everything starts to be peaceful there’s no worries it’s like a paradise you were trying to go to but have no money to go , myrtle beach is a place where you can just getaway to it feels like you’re the only person on the beach.

At night the beach is very beautiful and when the summer breeze hits it feels like you’re in the Bahamas the wind is nice and cool there’s more waves just a nice sight to look at it feels like you’re in one of those movies where you see little children playing with sand and seashells just like every vacation should be parents drinking beverages while they relaxing children doing their own thing also relaxing. Literally I feel like my heart just dropped to the floor and I am terrified to pick it back up. My eyes were locked at the end of the board all I had to do now was to take my steps and do my dive. Every step I took I felt like the board was getting longer and longer and I wouldn’t be able to reach it but at last I was at the end and you better believe I was riding that board like it was my life on the line. Shooting me off like a cannon ball I majestically did my dive and I went into the water like a fish causing no splash at all.

Being in the water felt really peaceful like if it was another world I could hear people clapping and chanting like animals fighting over a piece of meat as I arose to the surface I could hear the scoring from the judges overall they thought it was a good dive. Coming out of the water knowing that I was done competing felt great my heart was no longer on that board it was right back in my rib cage. Considering that it was my first meet I thought I did pretty good looking at my team from a far I could see them jumping up and down and cheering. Getting closer and closer to them made my smile stretch all the way up to the ends of my ears I was extremely happy because knowing that I made them proud gave me great joy in seeing them. Arriving to the bench where my team was stationed at felt like I was arriving to home from a long trip.
Minutes after I had taken a seat to rest and to think about overall on how did I began to realize that I had come so far to be at this level. A short woman with big ol’ white hair had started to rally up a commotion about me to my coaches. Suddenly I felt a pounding on my shoulder coming from someone wanting my attention I slowly turned around to acknowledge the person and it turned out to be the women with big ol’ hair. Looking at me with her big eyes I knew she had some news to tell me and it was good news.