Mr. Varnell
Schaffer Paragraph Model
EQ: How do we organize our thinking and writing into effective paragraphs that utilize textual evidence?
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The Schaffer Paragraph Model is a five-sentence paragraph developed by Jane Schaffer used to write essays.
Did you know that in the Schaffer model, paragraph structure is like a good burger?
Here's how you STACK it:
• Topic sentence (TS)
• Concrete Detail (CD)
• Commentary (CM)
• Commentary (CM)
• Closing/Concluding sentence (CS)
TS: Topic Sentence/statement (The Top Bun)
A good topic sentence (TS) does three things:
Example 1 (Cinderella): Cinderella leads a miserable life.
Example 2 (Global Warming): Global warming is a world problem and needs to be stopped.
Example 3 (Archetypes): The Greek creation story and the Genesis creation story are similar because they both use the hero archetype.
CD: Concrete Detail (The Meat)
Example 1: For example, she does all the cooking, cleaning, and sewing.
Example 2: If it is not stopped, statistics show that the world will be drastically hurt.
Example 3: Zeus, at the end of the Greek story, defeats his evil father in a giant battle.
CM: Commentary (The Fixings)
There are two or three commentary sentences (CMs) supporting each concrete detail (CD).
Commentary sentences (CMs) ARE NOT FACTS themselves; they COMMENT on the fact already presented: your concrete detail (CD).
Signal Words For Commentary Sentences:
Example 1:
CM1: This shows that she feels taken advantage of by her selfish stepmother and stepsisters.
CM2: This is important because her horrible life gives her a present, her fairy godmother.
Example 2:
CM1: Global warming should be man's greatest worry.
CM2: This is because the Earth can become negatively and drastically affected world wide.
Example 3:
CM1: Zeus' victory in the epic battle proves that he is the hero.
CM2: Cronos eating his own children shows that he is a bad father and ruler, thus resulting in a father/son rivalry archetype with Zeus.
CS: Concluding/Closing Sentence (The Bottom Bun)
The Concluding Sentence (CS) is the closing sentence that wraps up the TS and sums up the paragraph. It closes up the thoughts and gives insight to the next paragraph. Emotional or connotative words are preferred here usually beginning with "As a result" or another concluding sentence.
Example 1: As a result, she becomes a princess.
Example 2: Therefore, global warming is top priority and cannot be ignored.
Example 3: Thus, both stories make use of the hero archetype.