Mr. Varnell
Reading The Bard Like A Boss
1. Fix Inverted Sentence ArrangementsSo lots of students seem to think that peeps always talked in these crazy word orders during Shakespeare's time.
Actually, though, while it's true that in Shakespeare's time inverted speech was more widely used than it is now, more important is the fact that Big Daddy Speare wrote the way he did for poetic and dramatic purposes, not necessarily to catch the rhythm of everyday speech.
And trust me -- Shakespeare is not the only cat to use this inversion technique!
Let's peep this famous scholarly example:
I ate the sandwich.
I the sandwich ate.
Ate the sandwich I.
Ate I the sandwich.
The sandwich I ate.
The sandwich ate I.
2. Remember Ya Dealing With Poetry Here!
3. Restore Omissions, Abbreviations, and Contractions
4. SWAG Out With A Shakespeare Glossary!
5. Aggressively seek to understand! Then you: