Cassius can be described based on his personal and political believes, his choices and the motives, and also his techniques.
Cassius’s personality was based on his personal and political beliefs. “the fault, dear Brutus isn't in our stars, but in ourselves, that we’re underlings”(document E). Cassius believes that it’s not fate that made a lower ranking person, but himself. This shows that Cassius believes that if he works hard and kills Caesar he can be a person of a higher rank. “Cassius, a man of a fierce disposition, and one that out of private malice, rather than love of the public, hated Caesar” (document B). This proves that Cassius didn't care about Rome or its government he killed Caesar for his own selfish reasons. Cassius killed Caesar because he was envious of him, and was jealous of his power. He didn't kill him because he thought Caesar was become to powerful and wanted to turn the republic into an absolute government like everybody else.
Cassius choices were based on his hate and he used persuasion to get what he wanted. “write them together yours is as fair a name; sound them, doth become the mouth as well”(document E). This states that Cassius believes that Caesar’s name is the same as any other name and it also sounds the same so he can’t understand why it’s so special. This proves that Cassius believes that Caesar and him are equal. “Cassius suggested that Caesar’s friends intended then to make Caesar king” (document B). This proves that Cassius was willing to do anything to turn people against Caesar so that he could then kill him and have a justification. This shows that Brutus only agreed to the assassination because he feared that Caesar was trying to turn the republic of Rome into an empire or absolute monarchy. Cassius believes that Caesar is the same as everyone else, and he persuaded Brutus by telling him Caesar was going to become king.
Cassius hated Caesar because he had power and the respect of the people of Rome, and he used persuasion to turn people against Caesar. he also believed that if he tried hard enough he could become better than Caesar but if he had to kill him.