Mr. Varnell
Julius Caecar REWRITE
Bam! Bam! Should killing people we don’t like be the solution? In Julius Caesar, Julius is assassinated because some believe he isn't worthy of ruling Rome. There are always other alternatives such as bribing, impeachment, and exile.

“Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead! Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets” (Document B). As the conspiracy kills Caesar they think all is solved with his death. In reality they don’t know if they will get a worst ruler they can’t just keep killing rulers after rulers. You can’t please everyone, someone is ought to dislike a ruler that someone else adores. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more” (Document B). If Brutus didn't want Caesar to be the ruler he should have spoke out and let the people decide between Caesar and him. Instead he murdered him thinking it was the best thing to do but it just made the people see him as a bad person for what he did. Although things don’t seem right in our eyes death should never be a solution although it may seem that way.

Murdering a man should never be the solution to anything. Brutus killed Caesar because Cassius manipulated Brutus to kill his best friend. Cassius wanted Caesar dead because Cassius was ambitious for power. Cassius wanted everyone under his control, sadly in Cassius eyes Caesar was in his way of getting what he wanted. So Cassius got several man to go against Caesar, he told the man that Caesar was an ambitious ruler that he was only there to have power. Once he had them under his control they set out to kill him. After they killed Caesar, Antony walked in and was shocked to see Caesar's best friend murder him. Every one fled but Antony he sat there after a while he took out Caesar corpse and gave a speech of what the murders have done and why. Then tells the people of Rome "You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?" (Lines 99-104). He told the people in other word that he was so committed to Rome that he wouldn’t even take the crown. That he didn’t care about the crown, ambition or anything only his commitment to his country.

The whole story of Julius Caesar was based on power & ambition. Power & ambition can be a good thing when used for the proper reasons. In this case it was used for wrong reasons and got an innocent loyal honorable man killed. It was ironic that Caesar’s best friend would kill him over power. Who would ever guess that he would go through with it?