Mr. Varnell
Creation essay
The Genesis and Greek creation stories are both similar and different in how they use they use literary archetypes. Both the Greek and Genesis creation stories utilize the villain archetype. Cronus married his sister Rhea, and they had children together. “Cronus swallowed both of his children as they were born. This proves that Cronus is filling the role of the villain archetype. His lust for power is so great he sacrifice his own children to keep the throne. Rhea hid herself, and then she left her child so he/she could be raised by someone else. To conceal her act she wrapped a stone in swaddling.
The Greek and Genesis creation stories also contrast, with the Greek one having and epic battle or father/son and Genesis the garden/paradise archetype. God created the heavens and earth. Now the earth and Heaven are two different things. He made light and said that it should be day. He made dark and said that it should be night. Long ago when heaven and earth were still one the entire universe was an egg. For 18,000 years he continued to grow,